Day 2: Different Mindset

Video from Day 1:

Day 2 has passed and I am exhausted but in a good way! Every morning we have prayed and dived deep into the Word. I am grasping scriptures that I have read tons of times. I am truly understanding what God is trying to say.

After bible study we went and got bikes. Which is so much better than walking everywhere! Like my teammate Bethany said, “it is so surreal biking in Belgium”! I named my bike “Zee” because it is black and white like a Zebra.

My practices have been good as well. Jesus is truly my focus. In the past, I practiced in a way that was motivated around winning. If I practiced hard then I would win big. But it wasn’t satisfying because I didn’t win all the time so practices became desperation sessions which only lead to injury. But, now I only have one motivation, which is Christ. I am practicing with such freedom knowing that God just wants my best and He will do the rest. I can’t wait to compete on Saturday !

I am really enjoying myself here in Leuven. This trip has opened my eyes up to what God sees when He looks at His creation. When I was in the world, nothing of the world really bothered me. Nothing that God hated was anything that I hated. I only hated not getting my way or have to wait for something. I was self-righteous. I was a great example of entitlement.

But, I thank God for His grace and mercy. I thank Him for delivering me. So, as a new creation, with new eyes, I see things differently. And I have become extremely burdened for the lost. If only people knew how much love God has for them and what He did on there behalf. The saddest thing I have seen since I’ve been here was when I was walking back to my hostel from practice. In a small little park sat about 5 or 6 kids, who didn’t look any older than 13. They were smoking weed through a coke bottle. It broke my heart because I have a little brother their age. They were kids who have become deeply indulged in the world. At 13! It is unreal but Satan doesn’t tempt us with anything that we don’t like. That is why it is so IMPORTANT to be covered by the Blood of Christ so that we hate what Christ, our Father hates. And, so we can live a much more fulfilling life. Live a life that He has planned out for us! Seeing those kids has made this mission trip so much more serious for me (not saying that it wasn’t before) because there are so many that are lost and in need of the Truth!

I pray that during this trip I can be bold for Christ.

Until then Stay Crazyy Blessed!